lunes, 15 de enero de 2007

Volunteer Projects Executed

• Active participation in the foundation's "Adopt a Brother" volunteer program for overcoming poverty. (March 2005)

• Founder of the organization "United Professional Entrepreneurs". (March 2006)

• Organization of the First Seminar on Youth Entrepreneurship, "Freedom of decision" for the commune of Coronel, Chile. (May 2006)

• Participation in TOTEM, the Red de Trabajo Juvenil Comuna, promoting Entrepreneurship skills to minimize drug use among young people. (August 2006)

• Founder of the children's organization "Niños con Propósito" whose objective was to foster resilience in the children's community, developing skills of creativity and observation, having as a model his own Life born in the commune of scarce resources. (March 2007)

• Area Coordinator at World Vision International, Colonel's Commune. (January 2007).

 Volunteer helping in Etnia Indigena Aché in Paraguay. (2016)

 Volunteering at the Swiss Transcultural School. The value and respect of each culture in the nations. (2018)

Literature of Interest

  • Paulo Coelho
  • Isabel Allende
  • Mario Benedetti
  • Mario Vargas Llosa
  • Gabriel García Marquez
  • Jorge Luis Borges
  • Nicanor Parra 
  • Pablo Neruda 
  • Gabriela Mistral
  • Umit Yasar Oguzcan (Poeta Turco)
  • Yunus Emre (Poeta Turco)
  • Muhammad Rumi (Poeta Persa)
  • Vida con Propósito. (Rick Warren)
  •  Liderazgo Con Propósito(Rick Warren)
  •  Los siete hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva. (Steven Covey)
  •  El Octavo Hábito. (Steven Covey)
  •  La Alta Rentabilidad de la Felicidad (David Fishman)
  •  Inteligencia emocional. (Daniel Goleman)
  •  Inteligencia Relacional (UAI)
  •  El hombre mediocre (José Ingenieros)
  •  La Empresa del Cambio Personal. (Estela Drake) 
  •  Transformación en la Convivencia (Humberto Maturana)
  •  Fluir (Mihaly Csikszentmihal)
  •  La Biblia 
  •  El Corán
  •  El Monje que vendió su Ferrari (Robin Sharma)
  •  Confusio
  •  Filosofía Pueblos LatinosAmericanos
  •  El capital en el siglo XXI (Thomas Piketty) 

    domingo, 14 de enero de 2007

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